George L. Oestreich
George L. Oestreich
Pharm.D., MPA
Government Payer Consultant
Dr. Oestreich provides strategic consulting targeting public and private sector health care issues. His key areas of expertise include health information technology, decision support, program design and care coordination policy development. A major interest is developing transparent, integrated patient care management and coordination solutions into current practice workflow. He has unique and comprehensive experience in pharmacy benefit design, coupling integrated pharmacy services into mainstream care coordination and service delivery.
Prior to joining state government in 2001, he served as Chief Executive Officer of the Missouri Pharmacy Association and the Foundation for Pharmaceutical Care for 13 years. He has a wide variety of pharmacy practice experience in community, hospital, long-term care and consulting. From 2001 – 2006, Dr. Oestreich served as Director of Pharmacy for the Missouri Medicaid Agency, and, from 2006 – 2011 as Deputy Division Director, Clinical Services. He owned a full service community pharmacy until 2007, working and managing it until 1989 when he began working for the Pharmacy Association. He served on the Missouri Board of Pharmacy for five years, as President for 2 of those years.
Dr. Oestreich earned his BS in Pharmacy from the University of Missouri-KC, his Master of Public Administration from University of Missouri-Columbia and his Doctor of Pharmacy from Kansas University. He has received many awards, made multitudes of presentations and co-authored many publications.