Hemophilia Alliance Network Services For Broker

Hemophilia Alliance Network Services (HANS)

Reduce your hemophilia-related pharmacy claims costs up to 30% and help patients receive the gold standard of care. The integration of clinical and pharmacy services through our national network reduces unnecessary dispensations and enhances treatment outcomes for a win-win scenario.

Why join HANS?

HANS works with Self-Funded Groups, Stop Loss Carriers and Brokers to bring these savings to your clients. This can be done via Single Case Agreements or through HANS network participation.

We collaborate with HTCs, employers and payers to promote high-quality patient care with integrated pharmacy services.

Our unique model provides numerous payer benefits with NO network access fees.

1Soucie JM, Nuss R, Evatt, B, Abdelhak A, Cowan L, Hill H, Kolakoski M, Wilber N, and the Hemophilia Surveillance System Project Investigators. Mortality among males with hemophilia: relations with source of medical care. Blood 2000; 96:437-442.

“HTC pharmacy facilitates case management and the opportunity for collaboration between the patient and the medical and pharmacy teams, enabling more agile care coordination in real time, ensuring accurate and complete reporting while achieving the lowest total cost of care and optimal health outcomes.31,32”


To read the full article on Integrated Hemophilia Patient Care via a National Network of Care Centers in the United States: A Model for Rare Coagulation Disorders, click here.

Our network results in big savings.

We connected a large third-party administrator with an HTC Member Pharmacy from our network and brought improved care to two patients with hemophilia — all while saving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Contact us today to learn how HANs can reduce costs and improve patient care for your covered lives.

For HANS Broker Fact Sheet, click here.
For HANS Broker Implementation Guide, click here.
For more information please email Jennifer Borrillo – borrillo@hemoalliance.org