Services and Tools

HTC Group Purchasing

The Hemophilia Alliance has agreements with all factor manufacturers of consequence, allowing us to provide group purchasing benefits to participating members. Those members who have signed the participation agreement enjoy reduced pricing and better terms. Once enrolled, you are under no obligation to purchase products and services under the agreement, and you are able to utilize our contracts as you see fit (according to the requirements and restrictions of the individual contract).

If you have questions about group purchasing contact Jeff Blake – President & CEO on 317-657-5913 or

HTC Operations & Organizational Management

Members have access to expertise and years of experience in working within an HTC. We are your consultants on how to operationalize your 340B program — from policies and procedures to staffing. We breakdown the complexities of being a federal program and working within your host institutions. Our team is able to provide step-by-step information on getting the patient from the clinic to the pharmacy program. We work with HTCs to look at sustainability of the HTC and the ability to provide comprehensive services to the patients.

If you have questions about operations and organizational management contact Jeff Blake – President & CEO on 317-657-5913 or

Payer Relations

With expertise in private and public payer relations, your Hemophilia Alliance payer relations team provides HTCs with contracting and payer issue support. We help you navigate private insurers, such as Blue Cross and United Healthcare, and public payers such as Medicaid, Medicaid Managed Care Organizations and Medicare. The team provides resources and support to enhance member HTC payer contracting. We have a toolkit of payer resources—which include presentations, case studies and marketing materials—available for your use when meeting with and contracting with insurance payers.

We are your source to obtain local, regional or national contracts so your HTC can provide integrated clinical and pharmacy services to your patients. The payer team meets with insurance payers to enhance the awareness and value of the HTC integrated care model. The value is expressed in a total-cost-of-care model which highlights the highest of quality at the lowest possible cost.

If you have questions about payer relations contact Jennifer Borrillo – Senior Vice President Member & Community Relations on 504-376-5282 or


The Hemophilia Alliance advocacy team assesses how policy changes proposed by Congress and federal agencies may affect HTCs. We influence policy makers to implement favorable updates to policies regarding legislation, regulation, guidance, and program operation.

The advocacy team plans the Hemophilia Alliance Capitol Hill Day: an annual opportunity for HTCs to educate Members of Congress about HTCs and the importance of the 340B program to the bleeding disorders community. We also analyze regulations and guidance relating to 340B policies, Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation, and Medicaid and Medicare payment and coverage policies. We determine how to respond to regulatory challenges and opportunities, which can include drafting comment letters and meeting with congressional staff and Federal agency officials on behalf of the Alliance and HTCs. Finally, we work closely with other Team Alliance members on payer, legal, and operational issues that interact with public policy. We also work with NHF, HFA and other stakeholders with common interests.

Alliance members should contact the advocacy team with questions about federal policy issues, including Medicare reimbursement issues and the ongoing implementation of the ACA. We share policy updates via Newsletter articles, webinars and other emails as needed. We seek to make it as easy as possible for you to educate and advocate on behalf of your HTC and the patients you serve.

If you have questions about advocacy, contact Ellen Riker on 202-257-6670 or