Jennifer Borrillo
Jennifer Borrillo
Senior Vice President,
Member & Community Relations
Jennifer Borrillo joined the Hemophilia Alliance as Senior Vice President Member & Community Relations in January 2024. She brings to the Hemophilia Alliance over thirty years of experience as a licensed clinical social worker and twenty-one years of experience at the Louisiana Center for Bleeding & Clotting Disorders at Tulane University School of Medicine. She initially started at the Center as a part-time hemophilia social worker, then became the Director of the 340B Pharmacy Program before eventually becoming the Executive Director of the Center. Under Jennifer’s operational expertise, strategic planning and leadership, the Center at Tulane has grown from a team of approximately ten to fifty employees.
Jennifer has an undergraduate degree in psychology, earned her Master of Social Work from the University of Alabama in 1993, and her MBA from the Tulane University Freeman School of Business in 2010. She is passionate about working within the bleeding disorder patient community and has been dedicated to helping patient’s secure the care and resources that they require. Jennifer’s experiences include HTC grant management, Program Income reporting, 340B pharmacy operations, contract pharmacy agreements, payor relations, contracting, clinic and research operations, data and quality improvement initiatives, advocacy, education, outreach, and communications.
In 2013 Jennifer was awarded the Tulane Department of Medicine Chair’s Award for Excellence in Departmental Service, in 2016 the Louisiana Hemophilia Foundation’s (LHF) Annual Advocacy Award, and in 2023 LHF’s Profound Partner Award in honor of outstanding chapter support on behalf of the HTC. Previously, Jennifer served as the Great Plains Region NBDF (NHF) Social Work Working Group Representative, served on the Great Plains Regional Executive Committee, and is a former Hemophilia Alliance Board Member and also served as the Board Chair. Jennifer has been an active advisory board member of NBDF’s Comprehensive Care Sustainability Collaborative (CCSC) Advisory Board and the Tulane HTC representative for the Louisiana Hemophilia Foundation Board of Directors. In September 2021, she became the Governor Appointed Representative from An Academic Research Institution that Conducts Rare Disease Research to the Louisiana Rare Disease Council for the State of Louisiana. Jennifer and her husband, Dr. Christopher Borrillo, have four children together and live in New Orleans, Louisiana.